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Upside Down with Becky!

  • Murder of Crows Fitness 1010 Dean Street Brooklyn, NY, 11238 United States (map)

Gymnastics Workshop with Becky!

Becky Caplan is offering two amazing workshop classes on April 10th for those looking to learn all things handstands.

This workshop strikes the Balance between Technique and Power; dissolving fear and finding comfort upside down and rightside up.

With progressions to build your body shapes, increase your kinesthetic awareness, and leave you with the tools you need to get and stay upside down.

The beginning course will be geared towards getting you upside down, and the advanced course will be for those looking to stay upside down. Both workshops will feature:

  • USA Gymnastics National Team Warmup and Stretches

  • Progressions for Handstands

  • Body Awareness

  • Handstand Shaping

  • Drills and Progressions

The beginners workshop is great for those just learning to kick up into a handstand, while the advanced handstand workshop will feature more advanced movements like, freestanding handstands, handstand push ups, handstand walking, and handstand pirouetting.

Limited slots, so make sure to sign up today!

October 23

FGB Fundraiser for Haiti!

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USA Weightlifting Level 1